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Ideas for campaigns

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Published by - (02/12/02)

To celebrate the International and European Day of People with disabilities on December 3 many different activities have taken place that may give you ideas for what you would like to do during EYPD.

Organisations have made political statements by holding marches, rallies, candlelight processions and sit-ins in authority offices, such as the local social services department or the Department of Transport, and demonstrations outside important political buildings.

They have celebrated with art exhibitions, dance, theatre, discos, concerts, sporting events.

They have done access audits of their localities and followed them up with their planning authorities.

They have empowered people with disabilities to speak out about their lives and collected personal testimonies.

They have run projects with local school children, older people?s clubs and other community groups.

They have simply promoted their own organisations using their allegiance to the European Day as an opportunity.

They have invited local and national celebrities and politicians to attend their events and to sign affirmations of commitment to the rights of people with disabilities.

They have run awards for good practice and highlighted bad practice. One organisation printed a daily newsletter for a week with the ?Discriminator of the Day? on the front page, publicising a café or shop or service that was inaccessible. On the back page they gave awards to the accessible venues.

In the UK, town halls flew flags saying ?Rights for People with disabilities? and gave people stickers and yellow and blue ribbons to wear in solidarity.

The common factor in all these events is that people with disabilities were in the driving seat, often working in partnership with their local authorities and communities.

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